Protect your contact information with our private domain service. We replace your contact information with our own. We forward any correspondence to you, after filtering out all the spam and junk mail.
When you register a domain name, ICANN requires that your email address, mailing address, and phone number are made publicly available. Anyone can see your personal information using a Whois lookup. Spammers and junk mailers often search through the Whois database to create mailing lists. Our private domain service replaces your contact information with ours. provide free domain privacy protection when you register a domain with us.
ICANN rules require that valid contact information known as Whois is available for every domain name. Domain privacy protection Protect your identity and provides proxy contact information in the Whois.
International rules require that valid contact information be provided for all domain names, and that it be accessible worldwide. ID Protect provides valid contact information that satisfies the international requirements without exposing your personal contact information to worldwide scrutiny.
Domain name Whois is a principal source of email addresses for spammers. If your domain name has ID Protect, we change the Whois email address several times a year. Spammers harvest and use one Whois email address, but once we change it that source of spam is cut off.
ID Protect can be purchased for the following TLDs: com, net, org, biz, info, name, tv, cc, me
Some Registry requires that domain names have actual identity and contact information, rather than forwarding information.
To prove ownership of your domain, temporarily disable ID Protect and then ask the verifying party to confirm whois registration details.
If the privacy protection service at your other registrar does not provide email forwarding, the service must be disabled so that you can respond to transfer confirmation emails.
©2025 Astro Register Domains Inc.